One of 4 targets from a night at John Glenn Astronomy Park in south east Ohio (Hocking Hills). My trusty GT81 delivered easily on this target sporting the relatively new HAE29EC mount. Was first trip with both scopes having harmonic mounts deployed.
Note that StarXTerminator was able to separate the micro lensing effect on the one major star and I could clone stamp out the residual artifacts before recombining the stars. This is a common issue with the ZWO ASI1600MMPro camera.
My regular process applies, though I am using GraXpert instead of DBE these days. I could not get it to work well on the Oiii frame, so DBE was used for that one in particular. I also employed Bill Blanshan's NarrowbandNormalization script which is now a regular part of my nebula processing routine.
Hope you enjoy and CS.
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Create AccountI'm a software developer and beginner Astrographer based in the UK. I built the core features of Astrographer for myself as I was learning the hobby and thought they might be useful to others!