Lens: MC Kaleinar-5N Camera: Canon 60D (modified) Mount: Ioptron SkyTracker Pro Light Pollution: 9 bortle
Exposure: 181 x 75" ISO/Gain: 800 - f/4 with CLS filter | 69 x 30" ISO: 800 f/5.6 - for stars without filter
Processing: DSS - calibration, alignment; Fitstacker - stacking; IRIS - white balance and background flattening; StarNet - stars and background separating; Photoshop: curves, curves, curves, more curves in Lab, curves for background, curves for stars, curves with mask for manually background flattening, some stuff with star mask and etc. And here I add the stars from picture taken without CLS filter
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Create AccountI'm a software developer and beginner Astrographer based in the UK. I built the core features of Astrographer for myself as I was learning the hobby and thought they might be useful to others!