Quick one-night shot before at least a week of clouds and rain roll in.
C33 Eastern Veil Nebula
30x300s Ha 120 gain, 60 offset
30x300s Oiii 120 gain, 60 offset
30 flats
30 dark flats
20 darks
SVbony SV503 80ED w/0.8FF/FR (448mm FL)
iOptron CEM26
QHY163M @ -15C
QHY OAG-M w/ASI120mm mini
QHY 7-pos filter wheel w/ZWO 7nm 36mm LRGBSHO filters
Stacked/RGB combine in Astro Pixel Processor
Final touchups in Photoshop (separate stars/nebula layers, contrast enhancement on nebula, recombine layers)
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Create AccountI'm a software developer and beginner Astrographer based in the UK. I built the core features of Astrographer for myself as I was learning the hobby and thought they might be useful to others!