Still working out some kinks with the new telescope but I am getting there. Guiding seems to be the only thing left to dial in. I had to toss out 20 photos which was over an hours’ worth of data from what I think was due to guiding. Long focal lengths are a challenge for astrophotography. Also, the weather just has not been great for any length of time. Seems I get one day then have to wait 4 or more weeks for another clear night.
Anyway, this was 3 hrs. worth of data and was not the best, but I decided to process it. After a lot of finessing, I was finally happy with it. This target deserves 8 hrs. or more so I am patiently waiting for the next clear night.
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Create AccountI'm a software developer and beginner Astrographer based in the UK. I built the core features of Astrographer for myself as I was learning the hobby and thought they might be useful to others!